Invite relating to an exhibition, 1994
Published by: Centre 181 Gallery
Year published: 1994
Single sheet A4 portrait/monochrome photocopy from copy/poster/invitation produced by the gallery to launch an exhibition
Title: Yinka Shonibare | Double Dutch (an installation by Yinka Shonibare) 2 - 25 February 1994, Private view: 1 February, 6-8pm Centre 181 Gallery, 181 King Street, London.
There is a piece of text presented in a florid font accompanied by an image of the artist in 17th century costume - photograph credit: Jimmy Scott, costume and make-up by Sian Lewis. The text is as follows: “Just imagine being a primitive; a proper primitive that is. A primitive that is beyond civilisation, a primitive in a state of perpetual indulgence, a primitive of excess. I think I would really enjoy that. Here too i can be a kind of back to nature cliche with a twist. Oh how I long to be ethnic. I love paint, it’s really sumptuous; yum. What is the meaning of the skirt? What did lycra represent? What language does doctor martin speak? Who needs pin stripe? Let’s have a goatee instead; perhaps not-pass! Double Dutch.”
Born, 1962 in London, England
Solo show at Centre 181 Gallery 1994
London, United Kingdom