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History and Identity | Seven Painters

Catalogue relating to an exhibition, 1991
Published by: Norwich Gallery, Norfolk Institute of Art and Design
Year published: 1991

image of History and Identity | Seven Painters

Catalogue (A4 size) for group exhibition curated by Eddie Chambers, for Norwich Gallery, Norfolk Institute of Art and Design. Titled History and Identity: Seven Painters the exhibition featured contributions from Said Adrus, Medina Hammad, Godfrey Lee, Mowbray Odonkor, Eugene Palmer, Tony Phillips and Lesley Sanderson. Exhibition dates were 16 March - 11 May 1991. It subsequently toured to Lincolnshire College of Art and Design, Lincoln, 6 July - 3 August 1991.

In the introduction Eddie Chambers wrote “This exhibition presents the work of seven painters, of African or Asian origin, each of them having their own interpretation and responses to their dual birthright of history and identity.…”

Catalogue features a Foreword by Bruce Black, Principal, Norfolk Institute of Art and Design, plus Foreword addendum by Eddie Chambers; Introduction by Eddie Chambers; plus each artists’ doublepage spread, featuring montages of images, text, biographical summaries and lists of work contributed. More substantial biographical sketches of the artists and curator appear at the back of the catalogue. Catalogue unpaginated.

Related people + view all 9

»  Said Adrus

Born, 1958 in Kampala, Uganda

»  Medina Hammad

Born, 1963 in England

»  Godfrey Lee

Born in Jamaica, date unknown

»  Mowbray Odonkor

Born, 1962 in London, England

»  Lesley Sanderson

Born, 1962 in Malaysia

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»  Lincolnshire College of Art and Design

Lincoln, United Kingdom

»  Norwich Gallery

Norwich, United Kingdom