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Beyond Frontiers

Book relating to a publication, 2001
Published by: Saffron Boks
Year published: 2001
Number of pages: 279
ISBN: 1 872843 21 2

image of Beyond Frontiers

Beyond Frontiers marks the first ever attempt to survey the work of contemporary British artists whose ancestral roots lie in the countries and cultures of South Asia. For some, their links with the Subcontinent remain present and immediate; for others, they are a barely perceptible trace, filtered through generations of exile and migration.

Always lively, often provocative and lavishly illustrated, the book contains a heady mix of scholarly essays, interviews, artists’ texts and specially commissioned works. It aims, once and for all, to unsettle pat assumptions about the meaning and significance of ethnic origin to artists’ contribution to contemporary culture and experience. There are as many different voices here, as many different approaches to art and culture as there are contributions to the book.

Artists of three generations join eminent critics, cultural theorists and art historians to explore visual art now, against a backdrop of the centuries-old intertwining of East and West that informs many of the most vibrant manifestations of British and European contemporary culture.

Table of Contents



Walking in Crusoe’s footsteps: Margins and mainstreams in critical theory | TANIA V GUHA

Artist’s pages and a poem | NILOFAR AKMUT

Indian artists and the Raj: Westernisation and nationalism (1850–1947) | PARTHA MITTER

To kill two birds with one stone | SUTAPA BISWAS


Freedom and restriction: nothing is far away, everything is near … | JAGJIT CHUHAN

Artist’s pages | MOHINI CHANDRA

Mohini Chandra: Travels in a new world | ELIZABETH EDWARDS

The transcending vision: another story | AMAL GHOSH

Face to face: an interview with Zarina Bhimji | TANIA V GUHA

Artist’s pages | NINA EDGE

Ukasian: nina edge | JOHN BRADY

Hair of the dog? | SONALI FERNANDO

Artists’ pages | KEITH KHAN and ALI ZAIDI

(looking backward) looking forward | KEITH KHAN

Artist’s pages | AMAL GHOSH

Part of the universal story | AMAL GHOSH

Artist’s pages | BALRAJ KHANNA

Artist’s pages | PERVAIZ KHAN

Virtual visions | PERVAIZ KHAN

Towards reaching kundalini | MANJEET LAMBA

I carry my village with me | PRAFULLA MOHANTI

Going native: revisited | SHAHEEN MERALI

Mirror, mirror on the wall … | JACQUES RANGASAMY

Challenging the passive venus | USHA PARMAR

A link with tradition | ANU PATEL

The autobahn | SUTAPA BISWAS

The patterns of culture i currently wear | GURMINDER SIKAND

Interactive moving images | SYMRATH PATTI

Can someone translate? I want to speak | VEENA STEPHENSON

Projections of authenticity | journeys through identity, diaspora and british south asian film | IAN IQBAL RASHID

The restless search | SHANTI THOMAS


Here and now 1 | Amal Ghosh in conversation | SAJID RIZVI

here and now 2 | Juginder Lamba in conversation | SAJID RIZVI





Related people - view 5

»  Zarina Bhimji

Born, 1963 in Mbarara, Uganda

»  Sutapa Biswas

Born, 1962 in Bolpur, India

»  Chila Kumari Singh Burman

Born, 1958 in Liverpool, England

»  Jagjit Chuhan

Born, 1955 in Punjab, India

»  Nina Edge

Born, 1962 in England

»  Amal Ghosh

Born, 1933 in Calcutta, India

»  Keith Khan

Born, 1968 in Wimbledon, England

»  Balraj Khanna

Born, 1938 - 1942 (probably 1940) in Punjab, India

»  Juginder Lamba

Born, 1948 in Nairobi, Kenya

»  Manjeet Lamba

Born, 1953 in Nairobi, Kenya

»  Shaheen Merali

Born, 1959 in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania

»  Prafulla Mohanti

Born, 1936 in Nanpur Village, Orissa, India

»  Anu Patel

Born, 1958 - 1964 (probably 1961) in Baroda, India

»  Gurminder Sikand

Born, 1960 in Jamshedpur, India

»  Veena Stephenson

Born, 1962

»  Shanti Thomas

Born, 1949 in London

»  Ibrahim Wagh

Born, 1936 in Bombay, India

»  Ali Medhi Zaidi

Born, 1963 in Bombay, India