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Grey Art Gallery and Study Centre

New York, United States of America
Official website: Grey Art Gallery and Study Centre

Interrogating Identity was a 1991 exhibition that took place at the Grey Art Gallery & Study Center, New York University. It featured a wide range of artists, born in a disparate range of countries such as Guyana, Philippines, China, and Malta, and living in countries such as the United Kingdom and the United States. Following its showing at the Grey Art Gallery & Study Center, the exhibition toured to several other venues. At the time of the exhibition, one of its two curators, Thomas W. Sokolowski, worked at the Grey Art Gallery & Study Center.

From the catalogue introduction, by the exhibition’s curators, Kellie Jones and Thomas W. Sokolowski: “The present exhibition has chosen to view the search for identity as it has taken place in the three primarily English-speaking countries: Canada, Great Britain, and the United States of America. The choice of this particular triad relates not only to linguistic compatibility, but also to the former relationship between England and her North American Colonies. This latter element is most important considering that the subsequent waves of immigrants to all three countries have occasioned the redefinitions of national identity moving away from traditional monolithic views toward varying notions of multiculturalism.“

Related items

click to show details of Interrogating Identity - catalogue

»  Interrogating Identity - catalogue

Catalogue relating to an exhibition, 1991

click to show details of Interrogating Identity - New York Times review

»  Interrogating Identity - New York Times review

Review relating to an exhibition, 1991

click to show details of ‘Interrogating Identity’: The View from ‘outside’

»  ‘Interrogating Identity’: The View from ‘outside’

Article relating to an exhibition, 1991

Exhibitions at this venue

People who have appeared at this venue + view all 17

»  Glenn Ligon

Born, 1960 in New York

»  Lani Maestro

Born, 1957 in Philippines

»  Ingrid Pollard

Born, 1953 in Georgetown, Guyana

»  Donald Rodney

Born, 1961 in Birmingham, England. Died, 1998

»  Gary Simmons

Born, 1964 in New York, New York, USA