Book relating to a publication, 1998
Published by: Thames and Hudson
Year published: 1998
Number of pages: 224
ISBN: 0500203067
Veerle Poupeye, Caribbean Art, Thames & Hudson, London, 1998.
Hugely important, groundbreaking book written by the Belgium-born, Jamaica-based art historian Veerle Poupeye. The book was the first of its kind, to offer a broad-based introduction to art of the Caribbean, for the general reader, that sought to offer a range of diasporic contexts within which the construct of ‘Caribbean Art’ could be read. To this end, the book included references to artists such as Sonia Boyce, Keith Piper, Frank Bowling, and Jean-Michel Basquiat, artists frequently disassociated from, rather than associated with, ongoing or changing constructions of ‘Caribbean Art’. The book was also of considerable interest to those readers with various degrees of familiarity with art of the Caribbean.
The book was profusely illustrated, with nearly 180 reproductions, approximately 70 of which werte in colour.
The artists featured, or referenced, included: Carl Abrahams, Carlos José Alfonso, Gesner Armand, Albert Artwell, Luis Azaceta, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Castera Bazile, John Beadle, Jos Bedia, Mario Benjamin, Rigaud Benoit, Wilson Bigaud, Isaiah Boodhoo, Frank Bowling, David Boxer, Sonia Boyce, Marta Maria Perez Bravo, Ernest Brleur, Murat Brierre, Hope Brooks, Everald Brown, Jackson Burnside, Stan Burnside, Dieudonn Cdor, Eddie Chambers, Margaret Chen, Albert Chong, LeRoy P. Clarke, Christopher Cozier, Kenwyn Crichlow, Leonard Daley, Annalee Davis, Roland Dorcly, Préfète Duffaut, John Dunkley, Edouard Duval-Carrié, Tomas Esson, Levoy Exil, Lafortune Felix, Amos Ferguson, Frido (Wilfrid Austin), Claude Garoute, Milton George, Boscoe Holder, Bendel Hydes, Hector Hyppolite, Serge Jolimeau, Jasmin Joseph, Tam Joseph, Kapo (Mallica Reynolds), Georges Liautaud, Stevenson Magloire, Ronald Moody, Keith Morrison, Petrona Morrison, Philomé Obin, Eugene Palmer, Dieuseul Paul, André Pierre, Prospere Pierre-Louis, Keith Piper, Omari Ra, Ras Akyem Ramsey, Ption Savain, Bernard Sjourne, Robert St. Brice, Louisiane St. Fleurant, Juan Sanchez, Denis Smith, Herve Télémaque, Tiga (Jean Claude Garoute), Luce Turnier, Patrick Vilaire, Bernard Wah, Nari Ward, Barrington Watson, Osmond Watson, and Aubrey Williams.
In some regards, the book was a companion to Richard J. Powell’s book Black Art and Culture in the 20th Century, also published by Thames & Hudson. Black Art and Culture in the 20th Century was an important, groundbreaking book written by Richard Powell, the American art historian. The book was the first of its kind, to offer something of a broad-based introduction to Black Art and Culture in the 20th Century, for the general reader, that sought to offer a range of diasporic contexts within which the construct of ‘Black Art and Culture in the 20th Century’ could be read. The study was overwhelmingly African-American, with a smattering of London-based Black artists thrown in. Black artists of the Caribbean were thinly represented, as were Black artists from Africa itself, though one or two, such as Uzo Egonu, are mentioned. In this regard, the study perhaps aspired to be international, but was primarily a history of African-American art and the treatment of the Black image in American culture. Within Powell’s book, white artists such as Sue Coe are also briefly introduced and illustrated.
Caribbean Art featured a work on its cover by Stanley Greaves.
Born, 1917 in St. Ann, Jamaica. Died, 2002
Born, 1958 in Jamaica
Born, 1958 in Belgium
Born, 1963 in St.Andrews, Jamaica
Born, 1934 in Kingston, Jamaica. Died, 2005