Group show at The New Art Gallery Walsall, Whitechapel Art Gallery. 2005
Date: 7 June, 2005 until 4 September, 2005
Curator: Richard J Powell, David A Bailey, Petrine Archer-S
Organiser: Whitechapel Art Gallery
Back to Black was a large-scale exhibition held at Whitechapel Art Gallery and subsequently at The New Art Gallery Walsall in 2005. It was a major centrepiece of Africa 05 and was curated by David A. Bailey (UK), Richard J. Powell (USA) and Petrine Archer-Straw (Jamaica).
”Back to Black: Art, Cinema and the Racial Imaginary focuses on the rise of the Black Arts Movement in the US, Britain and Jamaica in the 1960s & 1970s, bringing together over forty artists whose work defined the emergence of a radical & powerful aesthetic. Their work testifies to a complex & widespread range of influences, breathtaking in their geographic, temporal and cultural sweep. African symbols & traditions blend with images of contemporary life; the symbols of radical, militant activism with an imagined Afrofuturism. Played out across the broad cultural spectrum to encompass the visual arts, film, music & fashion, their work reveals a common visual language shared among artists across the Black Atlantic, and profoundly influential to subsequent generations. We hope the exhibition will address a lacuna in standard narratives of modern and contemporary visual culture by contributing a scholarly understanding of this important black cultural legacy. Back to Black is part of Africa 2005, a year-long celebration of contemporary & past cultures from across the continent & the Diaspora which embraces the diversity of arts, heritage & audience” Back to Black was first conceived by David A. Bailey & Richard J. Powell, who were later joined by Petrine Archer-Straw.
From the Preface of the Back to Black catalogue by Iwona Blazwick, (Whitechapel), Andrea Tarzia (Whitechapel) and Stephen Snoddy (Walsall)
Review relating to an exhibition, 2005
Brochure relating to an exhibition, 2005
Catalogue relating to an exhibition, 2005
Review relating to an exhibition, 2005
Article relating to an exhibition, 2005
Born, 1939
Born, 1911 in Charlotte, North Carolina. Died, 1988
Born, 1958
Born, 1917 in St. Ann, Jamaica. Died, 2002
Born, 1951 in Jamaica
Born, 1912. Died, 1982
Born, 1915 in Washington, D.C.. Died, 2012
Born, 1946
Born, 1943 in Jamaica
Born, 1943 in USA
Born, 1945 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. Died, 2017
Born in Jamaica, date unknown
Born, 1948 in Cape Town, South Africa
Born, 1943 in Kingston, Jamaica
Born, 1939
Born, 1930 in Stewartville, Guyana. Died, 2010
Born, 1936 in Los Angeles, California, USA
Born, 1900 in Yorkshire, England. Died, 1987
Born, 1939 in Trindad and Tobago
Born, 1934 in Conehatta, MS, USA
Born, 1912 in Kansas, USA. Died, 2006
Born, 1948
Born, 1927 in Bahamas/Miami, USA
Born, 1911 in St. Catherine, Jamaica. Died, 1989
Born, 1930 in Harlem, New York
Born, 1923 - 1929 (probably 1926) in Los Angeles, California
Born, 1932
Born, 1934 in Kingston, Jamaica. Died, 2005
Born, 1918. Died, 1979
Born, 1926 in Georgetown, Guyana. Died, 1990
Born, 1945 in St Lucia
Walsall, United Kingdom
London, United Kingdom