Born, 1939 in Bessemer, Alabama, USA
Discrepant Abstraction discussed the work of Jack Whitten, in a section of Kellie Jones, ‘It’s Not Enough to Say “Black is Beautiful” ‘: Abstraction at the Whitney, 1969-1974, in Discrepant Abstraction, inIVA and MIT Press, 2006. The section in question was Jack Whitten, 20 August - 22 September 1974.
Catalogue relating to an exhibition, 1969
Book relating to a publication, 1997
Book relating to a publication, 2006
Catalogue relating to an exhibition, 2006
Catalogue relating to an exhibition, 1991
Group show at State University of New York at Stony Brook, Art Gallery, Princeton University Art Museum. 1969
Group show at Studio Museum in Harlem. 2006
Group show at Kenkeleba Gallery. 1991
New York, New York, USA, United States of America
Princeton, New Jersey, United States of America
Stony Brook, New York, USA, United States of America
New York, United States of America