Magazine relating to a film, 2008
Published by: Dazed & Confused
Year published: 2008
Number of pages: 4
Four page feature on Steve McQueen and his directing debut, Hunger. The piece was titled Louder Than Bombs and appeared in Dazed & Confused magazine, Vol. 2 Issue #67, November 2008, pages 154 - 157. Illustrated with three large colour photographs. The first, a dramatic portrait of Steve McQueen by Immo Klink. The second, a still from the film, the third, a photograph of the director at work, on set, with Hunger’s star, Michael Fassbender as the IRA hunger striker, Bobby Sands. The magazine’s cover flags up the feature as ‘Steve McQueen ON THE YEAR”S MOST FEARLESS FILM’. The feature itself opens with TURNER PRIZE VIDEO ARTIST STEVE McQUEEN HAS MADE HIS FIRST FEATURE, A HARROWING PORTRAIT OF THE 1981 HUNGER STRIKE. HE TALKS TO OCTAVIA MORRIS ABOUT MAKING ONE OF THE YEAR’S MOST UNCOMPROMISING FILMS. PORTRAIT PHOTOGRAPH BY IMMO KLINK.
One of McQueen’s quotes is flagged in capitals within the feature: “PEOPLE WITHOUT BALLS NEVER CROSS THE LINE. BUT THAT’S WHAT IT’S ALL ABOUT”.