Group show at St. Pancras Church, The Welcome Trust, University College London, Friends House, Euston Station. 1996
Date: 21 September, 1996 until 26 October, 1996
Curator: Zoé Shearman and Thomas Trevor
Organiser: inIVA
The Visible and the Invisible: re-presenting the body in contemporary art and society. A multi venue exhibition, which took place in and around the Euston area of London. 21/9/96 - 26/10/96. Curated by Zoé Shearman and Thomas Trevor, for inIVA. Featured a number of artists including Sutapa Biswas, Virginia Nimarkoh and Donald Rodney.
Extracts from the exhibition brochure as follows: “The Visible and the Invisible forms a large-scale contemporary art initiative through a series of satellite exhibitions, installations and events occurring simultaneously in “non-art’ sites in the Euston area during the autumn, 1996. It combines new commissions and work not previously seen in the UK by fifteen international artists. Relating to an overall theme of “re-presenting the body’, each element of the project responds to a particular context in which it is seen. It presents a series of dialogues, contrasting the artist’s conception of the body against more generalised cultural representations, within distinct areas such as medicine, the sciences, architecture and different religious traditions. The Visible and the Invisible removes contemporary art from the traditional gallery setting to a more “real-life’ urban context. Engulfed by a daily deluge of commuters, Euston is an area very much in flux, with the imminent arrival of both the new British Library and the Channel Tunnel rail-link at St. Pancras likely to bring great changes in their wake.”
Exhibition guide relating to an exhibition, 1996
Born, 1962 in Bolpur, India
Born, 1967 in London, England
Born, 1961 in Birmingham, England. Died, 1998
London, United Kingdom
London, United Kingdom
London, United Kingdom
London, United Kingdom
London, United Kingdom