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Black Art: The Labour Party’s Line

Article relating to an exhibition, 1989
Published by: Modern Painters
Year published: 1989

image of Black Art: The Labour Party’s Line

2 sheet A4 portrait (cut down to size)/monochrome text with illustrations, photocopy from original/article taken from Modern Painters, winter 1989-1990, p.77-78

Title: Black Art: The Labour Party’s Line
Author: Mark Fisher MP

Article written response to the exhibition, The Other Story, in relation to what were current Arts Council policies for “cultural diversity“, regional funding and council obligations and what the Labour party (at this time in opposition to the ruling Conservative government) would deliver should they be in power. From the text: “”If employment is crucial in arts administration, it is particularly so at a local level where projects grow out of the needs and traditions of communities. This is where the real progress in cultural diversity is going to be made in the next ten years, rather than in high profile projects handed down from the Arts Council or from the ministry of Arts and Media that a Labour Government would establish.”

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