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Beyond the Glass Ceiling Award 1994

Announcement relating to an individual, 1994
Published by: ALTITUDE
Year published: 1994

image of Beyond the Glass Ceiling Award 1994

Single sheet A4 portrait/colour print reproduction (blue/green) typed text/announcement document produced by an organisation

Title: Beyond the Glass Ceiling Award 1994
Recipient: Lubaina Himid MA RCA - Artist and Cultural Historian

Document formed to announce the recipient of the prize and the venue, date etc where the ceremony will take place. Document also outlines the individuals involved in the organisation. An extract from the announcement: “To celebrate the conception of ALTITUDE the premiere BEYOND THE GLASS CEILING AWARD is presented to LUBAINA HIMID as tribute to her achievements as an artist, curator and cultural historian. She has made an enduring effort to make the world a better place with the beauty of her art and the passion of her commitment to genuine access to art for all. We concregate at The Groucho Club in London on 23rd July 1994 to celebrate LUBAINA HIMID, a great 20th century artist, with whom we have had the pleasure to work and the honour of being her friends.”

On the reverse side handwritten in blue ink is the following: “Dear Eddie, Hope you“re well. This is for real, lots of love, Chila.”

Related people

»  Lubaina Himid MBE, CBE

Born, 1954 in Zanzibar, Tanzania