Review relating to an exhibition, 1994
Published by: The Guardian
Year published: 1994
Approx A4 portrait, single sheet/original clipping taken from The Guardian, Arts Section/5 July 1994, page 6/review in response to the exhibition, Disrupted Borders
Title: Barrier crossing
subtitle: Disrupted Borders pushes photography into another dimension
Author: Patricia Holland
Review contains a photographic reproduction with the following credit: “Body limits, Milie Wilson’s Museum of Lesbian Dreams - Disturbances (detail).” An extract from the text: “The borders of the body are questioned by artists working near the edge of their personal safety. Samena Rana’s richly coloured collages violently disassemble her fragmented life. At their centre is the image of the bloodstained knife cutting through an embroidered scarf. It symbolises the accident which disabled her and from which she died, at the age of 35, before her project could be completed.”
Born, 1955 in Dhaka, Bangladesh
Group show at The Photographers’ Gallery 1994
London, United Kingdom