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Hamilton Galleries

London, United Kingdom

Hamilton Galleries was located at 8 St George Street, Hanover Square, London W. 1, and had (in 1965) a telephone number of ‘Hyde Park 3196’. It was the venue for Avinash Chandra, March 10 - 27 1965. The exhibition featured some 35 works, executed between 1960 and 1965. The exhibition came with an important catalogue, complete with text by W. G. Archer, a longtime admirer of Chandra.

From the text: “Chandra was twenty-five years old when in 1956 he left India and settled in London. He is now almost thirty-four. We are concerned, therefore, with nine years of keen endeavour - a period comparable to Samuel Palmer’s visionary years or the young Chirico’s stay in Paris. Of these years the first two must be excluded since they represent a time of patient incubation. When at last, in late 1958 the dam broke, a resolute personality was revealed, exulting in lively rhythms and fertile in mysterious and potent imagery.”

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click to show details of Avinash Chandra - Hamilton Galleries catalogue

»  Avinash Chandra - Hamilton Galleries catalogue

Catalogue relating to an exhibition, 1965

Exhibitions at this venue

People who have appeared at this venue

»  Avinash Chandra

Born, 1931 in Simla, India. Died, 1991