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Dorothy Rowe (Dr)

Dr Dorothy Rowe of University of Bristol curated Myth and History. This was the inaugural exhibition at The Bristol Gallery, 19 September - 29 October 2009. It featured Lubaina Himid, Deborah van der Beek, Patrick Haines, Phil Sayers, Emma Tooth, Tina Hill, and Mark Parkinson.

From the catalogue Preface, by Dr. Rowe:

… “Myth and History explores the myriad ways in which contemporary artists engage with western traditions of narrative, fable, storytelling and legend in literature, art, history and personal experience through painting, drawing, photography, installation and sculpture. Relationships between myth and history are evidently blurred; the artists presented here take their cue from such ambiguities in creating their own versions of events, questioning and re-writing histories and re-telling their own myths and legends. Internationally acclaimed artist Lubaina Himid produces modern History paintings that make visible the otherwise invisible threads of historical narratives as part of an everyday conversation…”

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click to show details of Myth and History - catalogue

»  Myth and History - catalogue

Catalogue relating to an exhibition, 2009

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»  The Bristol Gallery

Bristol, United Kingdom