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Truth, Dare, Double-Dare... press release

Press release relating to an exhibition, 1994
Published by: Ikon Gallery
Year published: 1994

image of Truth, Dare, Double-Dare... press release

Ikon Gallery press release for Truth, Dare, Double-Dare… Rose Finn-Felcey and Donald G Rodney. 4 June - 15 July 1994.

Text as follows: “Rose Finn-Kelcey is well known in Britain and abroad for installations which explore the material and spiritual limits of our environment. For the new installation at Ikon Gallery, she has collaborated with artist Donald Rodney, who has contributed work to a number of major exhibitions - including “Trophies of Empire“ - that deal with the themes of race and sexual politics.Truth, Dare, Double-Dare… brings a major installation by each of the artists together with a poignant new collabortative work. Rose Finn-Kelcey’s The Royal Box - a remarkable, bone-chilling room of ice - invites viewers to experience art in an unexpectedly physical way. Donald G Rodney’s Visceral Canker uses the coats of arms of Sir John Hawkins and Queen Elizabeth 1, bound together by a tube of the artist’s blood, to explore issues of heredity and slavery. From these two distinctive approaches, the artists have embarked on a daring joint venture. The resulting sound installation is a raw and compelling exploration of the intense and often painful process of collaboration. A pair of disembodied voices fill the gallery space. Intrigued, the visitor stops to catch the meaning, only to be caught up, like an inadvertent (but willing) eavesdropper, in the tantalzingly poersonal exchange.”

Contact and gallery details follow.

Related people

»  Donald Rodney

Born, 1961 in Birmingham, England. Died, 1998

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»  Truth, Dare, Double-Dare...

Collaboration at Ikon Gallery. 1994

Related venues

»  Ikon Gallery

Birmingham, United Kingdom