Born, 1948 in Nairobi, Kenya
Lamba was one of five artists selected by Rose Issa for inclusion in her exhibition Routes, at Brunei Gallery, SOAS, London, 1999. In her introductory catalogue essay, Issa wrote, “How ‘otherness’ can be a blessing in disguise is illustrated in the work of Juginder Lamba. Born in Kenya, Lamba grew up in Britain. His fused Indian, African and British background is evident in hs sensual organic forms which celebrate the power and beauty of nature. His humility and ability to be silent and listen to the voice of natue, is an echo of Lamba’s Indian heritage, while the recognition of the great power innate in natural objects, recalls his African influences. Lamba turns the rich suggestiveness which the wood has accrued with centuries of subterranean alchemy into sculptural themes and motifs which function as instruments of meditation. His transformation of the very substance of myths is explored in his ‘Pod’ series - vessels, wombs, coracles, and other containers caught in a moment of transition. They convey a sense of movement, as if on a journey through time, back to the beginning.” [from Singing Your Own Song, Rose Issa, Curator]
Two details of one of Juginder Lamba’s pieces are reproduced in Gen Doy’s book, Black Visual Culture, I.B. Tauris, 2000.
With Amal Ghosh, Juginder Lamba, edited Beyond Frontiers: Contemporary British Art by Artists of South Asian Descent, Saffron Books, 2001. The book described itself as marking “the first attempt to survey the work of contemporary British artists whose ancestral roots lie in the countries and cultures of South Asia. For some, their links with the Subcontinent remain present and immediate; for others, they are a barely perceptible trace, filtered through generations of exile and migration.”
Catalogue relating to an exhibition, 1997
Review relating to an exhibition, 1992
Brochure relating to an exhibition, 1991
Invite relating to an exhibition, 1992
Invite relating to an exhibition, 1992
Group show at Brunei Gallery, School of Oriental and African Studies, London WC1. 1999
Group show at Studio Museum in Harlem, The Bronx Museum of the Arts, Caribbean Cultural Center. 1997 - 1998
Group show at Wilberforce Museum. 1992
Group show at The Bluecoat Gallery. 1992
Liverpool, United Kingdom
United States of America
United States of America
New York, United States of America
Hull, United Kingdom