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Two New Imagists at the Grabowski

Review relating to an exhibition, 1962
Published by: Studio magazine
Year published: 1962
Number of pages: 2

image of Two New Imagists at the Grabowski

Review of two-person exhibition of figurative paintings by two young artists, Derek Boshier and Frank Bowling. Both artists were in their early to mid 20s. The exhibition was held at Grabowski Gallery, London, which operated between 1959 and 1975, at 84 Sloane Avenue, Chelsea, London SW3. The review was written by George Sorley Whittet and appeared on pages 194 - 195 of Studio magazine, November 1962. The exhibition itself had consisted of two solo exhibitions. Reflective of that, this review, written by the editor of Studio, consisted of two one page reviews on each artist. Each review was accompanied by two small reproductions of the artists’ work.

Whittet’s review of Bowling began, “The second of the two young artists whose work is on view at the Grabowski Gallery has little in common with Derek Boshier. He is twenty-seven years old and comes from British Guiana which he left about eleven yeates ago. Born to be an artist, he felt a certainty of his own destiny that will not be denied, come hell or high water.” The review, signed off as ‘G.S.W.’, ended with the following fascinating sentiment, “There is no Negro art; there is only art. And for Frank Bowling the oil pigments of Rembrant are the materials for making his art universal. On his use of them will depend how the intensity of his expressed imagery withstands the exposure of time.”

Related people

»  Derek Boshier

Born, 1937 in Portsmouth, England

»  (Sir) Frank Bowling OBE, RA

Born, 1935 - 1937 (probably 1936) in British Guiana (now Guyana) Caribbean/S. America

Related exhibitions

»  Image in Revolt

Group show at Grabowski Gallery. 1962

Related venues

»  Grabowski Gallery

London, United Kingdom