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Shattered Images

Invite relating to an exhibition, 1990
Published by: Wolverhampton Art Gallery
Year published: 1990

image of Shattered Images

Single sheet A5 portrait/monochrome text on yellow paper/flyer style invitation produced by the gallery to announce an event

Title: Shattered Images
Tuesday 27 March, 2pm - Wolverhampton Art Gallery

Text is as follows: “The story of the Black Diaspora is one of uprootment. Gavin Jantjes, a South African, has painted pictures of 120 million people sold into slavery and exile. Shattered Images gives the audience the opportunity to experience through stylised visual imagery, what it was like for the Africans of Jantjes paintings, to have a life torn apart, fragmented and shattered into images of disenchantment, dissatisfaction and death. Shattered Images used symbolism and African rituals to illustrate how black people strive to shatter these images and gain back control of their lives.…

Related people

»  Gavin Jantjes

Born, 1948 in Cape Town, South Africa