Solo show at Sotheran’s of Sackville Street. 1994
Date: 19 October, 1994 until 12 November, 1994
Organiser: Sotheran’s of Sackville Street
Henry Sotheran Limited, 2 - 5 Sackville Street, London W1X 2DP was the venue for Amazon Nights: An Exhibition of Oil Paintings of Endangered Birds from around the World by Aubrey Williams 1926 - 1990. The exhibition took place from 19 October to 12 November 1994. As the exhibition title indicated, the exhibition showcased Williams’ distinctive, but arguably lesser-known ornithological renderings. The exhibition was refered to in the accompanying brochure as “the first opportunity for several years in London to buy into the artistic legacy of this sensitive and imaginative artist.”
The exhibition was advertised by way of a modest, but glossy and very useful brochure that featured reproductions, in minature, of six of Williams’ bird paintings, dating from the period of the late 1970s. Quetzal, Cock of the Rock, Roseate Spoonbill, Sun Bittern, Great Blue Turaco, Keel-billed Toucan, all work oil on canvas, 26 x 18” or 18 x 26”, depending on whether the bird in question was depicted in landscape or portrait format.
Brochure relating to an exhibition, 1994
Born, 1926 in Georgetown, Guyana. Died, 1990
London, United Kingdom